Thursday 7 May 2015

Cross Country

Some children chose to write about the cross country.  
Our goal was to run all the way!


  1. Wow amazing running everyone! Glad to hear you all enjoyed it. It was fun to watch from the sidelines too, to see you jump over the hay bales then round the field before the final stretch back to the big tree. You were all awesome, well done! Georgie we were so proud of you, fast just like a cheetah! From Georgie's Mum Julie and Dad Adrian.

  2. Awesome picture Taylor, I liked how you drew yourself in the trees. Everyone tried so hard, well done Room 1

  3. Wow awsome pictures of cross country!!! :)

  4. We were so impressed by how far everybody ran. We were also very proud of Alfie for trying his best and running fast.
